Sun Exposure And Hair Loss

woman avoiding hair sun exposureThe sun is important to our health. Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that we take into our bodies primarily through exposure to the sun. It stimulates cell growth, keeps our skin healthy, and even helps to create hair follicles. In fact, Vitamin D is so important to our skin and hair that a lack of it can cause hair loss through alopecia. [Read more…] about Sun Exposure And Hair Loss

Early Signs Of Balding

balding manMany of us find ourselves closely examining our hair from time to time to make sure it is still all there. It can be easy to over-analyze and look at anything as a sign of balding. For instance, as men get older their hairline matures… which is different from a receding hairline. This happens naturally as men go from their teenage years into adulthood with their hairline climbing up about an inch. [Read more…] about Early Signs Of Balding

Gray Hair and Hair Loss

Woman with gray hair experiencing hair lossMany of us think of gray hair and hair loss as a sign of aging. By the time we’re 35, approximately two-thirds of men and forty percent of women have been affected by some level of hair loss.

Additionally, anywhere from six to twenty-three percent of adults can expect at least half of their hair to have gone gray by the time they are 50. Are these both just separate signs of aging, or is there a correlation between graying hair and baldness? [Read more…] about Gray Hair and Hair Loss

Hamilton and The History of The Wig

17th century powered wigPeople wanting solutions to their hair loss is nothing new and, for thousands of years, wigs were the best solution because – unlike today with ARTAS® – no good treatment options existed. However, wigs were also a fashion statement during certain points in history, such as the period depicted in the hit musical Hamilton. [Read more…] about Hamilton and The History of The Wig

Hairline Lowering

before and after hairline loweringAs we get older, it’s not uncommon to take a look at ourselves and wonder “why is my hairline so high?” or “is my forehead too big?” For some people, this is a product of a maturing hairline, where your hair recedes slightly in or around middle age and may result in a slightly higher hairline than you’re used to. It can also make your forehead appear larger. Other people are experiencing this as the early signs of more dramatic hair loss. [Read more…] about Hairline Lowering