Dr. Baiju Gohil

How The Immune System Impacts Hair Growth

How the immune system impacts hair growthThe human body, despite all the time and energy that has gone into researching it for millennia, is still a mystery in many regards. In fact, we’re still finding out new information about how our bodies operate. For example, we know that most people will experience some form of hair thinning or loss in their lives… but we don’t understand the body enough yet to prevent it before it starts for the millions of Americans affected.

A crucial part of learning to prevent hair loss in the future is having a better understanding of what causes it. We’ve discussed how factors we can sometimes control – including stress, diet, and our sleeping patterns – can affect overall hair health. What about factors outside of our control? It can be genetic (as in a benign trait that’s passed down), but could it also be related to other factors that can be inherited… like an auto-immune disease?

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Is Holiday Hair Loss Real?

Is Holiday Hair Loss Real?Seasonal hair loss is so common that even Martha Stewart has written about it. But, while it may seem like it’s tied to the holidays, the stress of seeing family and getting everything done is not as much to blame as you might think. In fact, the changing season is the biggest culprit in your seasonal hair loss – at least for most people.

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7 Myths About Hair Restoration

There are as many rumors and myths about hair restoration as there are stars in the sky. The constellation known as Coma Berenices is said to have been placed there by the goddess Aphrodite as a sign showing that the offering of Queen Berenice II of Egypt’s beautiful hair was accepted.

While most rumors aren’t as grand as starry locks, let’s shed some light on the more common misconceptions.

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Is An Itchy Scalp An Indication Of Hair Loss?

Is an itchy scalp an indication of hair loss?Many of us have had to deal with an itchy scalp here and there. Sometimes it’s the result of dry skin from things outside of our control, like the weather. Other times it could be the result of dandruff, an allergic reaction, or other medical issues.

When we experience an itchy scalp, we may find ourselves literally scratching our heads in front of the mirror trying to see if we can make out what might be the cause of it. And whenever we spend time looking at our hair in the mirror, we naturally try to take a closer look to see how full it is. Maybe it’s a trick your eyes are playing on you, or maybe it does appear that your hair might be thinning. Could thinning hair be causing your itchy scalp?

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Reishi Mushrooms and Hair Growth

reishi mushrooms and hair growthReishi mushroom [ganoderma lucidum] has long been used in Eastern medicine to boost the immune system, increase stamina, lower cholesterol, and treat urinary disorders. Now, thanks to the internet’s broad reach, this kidney-shaped fungus is becoming a popular Western nutritional supplement – with the additional claim that it may also help your hair grow.

But do mushrooms really promote hair growth? If so, how do mushroom-based products work and are they safe?

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Is Nationality Linked To Hair Loss?

Is nationality linked to hair loss?Hair thinning and loss is an unfortunate reality for most of us. The vast majority of men – and  nearly half of all women – will have experienced hair loss by the time they reach their senior years. Since hair loss affects many (but not all) people, it has continuously inspired people to ask why that is and try to figure out the reasons in an attempt to prevent hair loss in the future.

There are many factors that can expedite hair loss – such as age, stress, and diet. Genetics and ethnicity have also been examined before to see how they may contribute to hair loss as well. While genetics have certainly been shown to be a contributing factor to predicting hair loss, could where we live also affect it?

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What’s the Best Eyebrow Shape for Each Face Shape?

What's the best eyebrow shape for each face shapeEyebrows and how to care for them is a hotly debated beauty topic. Should you pluck or thread? Thick or thin? Arched or flat?

The truth of the matter is there is no one-size-fits-all answer, and the best way to determine how to shape your eyebrows is to start by looking at the shape of your face.

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Preparing for Your Consultation

Preparing for your consultationComing to terms with the fact that you’re losing your hair is never easy but, when you do, the question is often… “What do I do next?

For some people, the plan is to ignore it or just let it happen. But you do have options! And, if you decide to talk to a hair restoration specialist, that can lead to a bunch more questions.

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Gray Hair and Hair Loss: Are They Related?

Gray Hair & Hair Loss: Are The Related?Gray hair is caused by a lack of pigment cells in the hair follicles. Typically, this happens gradually as we age… but there are some conditions that can cause hair to go prematurely gray.

Hair loss can be the result of many different issues and factors – even including as a natural part of the aging process. Since both occur on your head, it’s not a strange idea to wonder if there is any connection between hair graying and hair loss.

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When Can I Color My Hair After a Hair Transplant Treatment?

When can I color my hair after a hair transplant treatment?Congratulations, you’ve had a successful hair transplant! You’re healing well, your hairline is beautifully restored, and you’re happy with the results.

It’s completely understandable that you now wish to resume hair color after transplant and complete your transformation. But is it safe to color your transplanted hair and, if so, how long should you wait?

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