Dr. Baiju Gohil

The Cost of Hair Restoration Treatment

the cost of hair loss According to the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, more than 112,000 people in the US and nearly 400,000 people worldwide undergo hair restoration procedures per year.  With so many services and procedures out there, any patient looking at options will consider a number of factors before making a decision. But one thing is almost always important, the cost. [Read more…] about The Cost of Hair Restoration Treatment

What is Robotic Hair Restoration?

The ARTAS Robotic Hair Restoration System at Robotic Hair Restoration of Long IslandFor decades, people who have searched for solutions to hair loss or thinning hair had to wade through several options, which often involved bad results or uncomfortable side effects. But thanks to advances in technology, there’s a new method called robotic Follicular Unit Excision (RFUE). This is a more advanced version of traditional handheld FUE, a hair restoration procedure which removes one hair graft at a time from the back of the head. The robotic version is performed with incredible precision and accuracy, which has an enormous benefit for the patient over the handheld technique of FUE. This makes it easier and quicker to regain a full head of hair. It’s called the ARTAS® Robotic Hair Transplant System, and it’s a state-of-the-art procedure that can provide you with a permanent solution to your hair loss problems.

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What Young Women Need To Know About Hair Loss

Young women and hair lossHair loss is not usually something that young women spend much time worrying about. It’s easy to take a full head of hair for granted, that is until ladies begin noticing larger amounts of hair in the bristles of their hairbrush or the drain of their shower. If you’ve experienced thinning hair, you should know that you’re certainly not alone. Plenty of women struggle with hair loss. Take control of your hair health and your self-esteem by examining your hair restoration options. [Read more…] about What Young Women Need To Know About Hair Loss

Is Thyroid Disease Causing Your Hair Loss?

thyroid disease causing hair lossHair loss in women may be caused by a number of problems, including thyroid disease. Thyroid problems can also cause hair loss in men. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate the metabolism, among other functions. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can both cause hair loss. Hyperthyroidism refers to the overproduction of thyroid hormone, which can cause the hair to become very fine. It also results in thinning hair all over the scalp. You can hear more about hyperthyroidism and its role in causing hair loss when you watch this video. [Read more…] about Is Thyroid Disease Causing Your Hair Loss?

Steps To Take To Reduce Hair Loss

P022Genetics play a strong role in female and male pattern baldness; however, it’s not the only possible cause of hair loss. Some people develop balding or thinning hair because of underlying medical conditions, nutritional deficiencies, or sometimes aggressive hair care techniques. Although addressing these issues by leading a healthy lifestyle may reduce the likelihood of hair loss for some people, many benefit most with a hair transplant. [Read more…] about Steps To Take To Reduce Hair Loss

Spotlight On The IGrow System

iGrow System for Hair RestorationIf you’ve recently noticed that your hair is thinning, it’s advisable to consult a physician who specializes in hair restoration sooner, rather than later.

How The iGrow Hair Growth System Works

Patients whose hair loss has not yet become severe may be good candidates for the iGrow Hair Growth System, which is a non-surgical hair loss solution. This effective treatment option has been cleared by the FDA for use by both men and women with androgenetic alopecia, or pattern hair loss. It applies low-level light therapy to the scalp. The light therapy stimulates existing hair follicles to increase metabolic activity. The end result is the natural regrowth of hair. [Read more…] about Spotlight On The IGrow System

Causes Of Hair Loss In Young Men

male patterned baldnessBalding or thinning hair is generally thought of as a problem that primarily affects men after the age of 40. This may be why it can be quite shocking for young men to suddenly notice hair loss. In young men, hair loss can be very emotionally challenging. Sometimes, this hair loss is temporary, such as when it occurs as a result of significant stress. However, it’s generally advisable for young men with sudden hair loss to visit a physician at a hair restoration clinic. The physician can try to determine the underlying cause of the problem and the appropriate treatment recommendations. [Read more…] about Causes Of Hair Loss In Young Men

Does Stress Cause Hair Loss?

does stress cause hair loss There are many different possible causes for hair loss, and it is important to identify these causes to facilitate proper treatment. When you seek out treatment for thinning hair in Long Island, you might think about whether stress is a factor in your hair loss.

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Examining The Psychological Effects Of Hair Loss

psychological effects of hair loss While hair loss is a common problem faced in the aging process, it is still an emotionally devastating issue for both men and women who experience thinning and baldness. By seeking hair restoration in Long Island with therapies like Follicular Unit Excision hair transplants, you can fight back against the emotional and physical effects of hair loss. Still, it is helpful to understand how hair loss might affect you mentally so that you can utilize coping strategies beyond your clinical treatment. [Read more…] about Examining The Psychological Effects Of Hair Loss

How To Prepare For The ARTAS® Procedure

P006The ARTAS® Robotic Hair Transplant System can take much of the stress out of hair restoration because it uses advanced digital imaging and precision robotics to improve the speed and accuracy of your FUE hair transplant procedure. When you seek the care of a hair restoration specialist in the Long Island, Queens or Brooklyn areas, there are a few key steps that can help you plan for a successful hair transplant with ARTAS. [Read more…] about How To Prepare For The ARTAS® Procedure