Dr. Baiju Gohil

Should You Cut Your Hair Before ARTAS/FUE Restoration Procedure?


If you’re considering a permanent solution to hair loss or thinning hair, you may already know that the most state of the art procedure available is the ARTAS® Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) system. RHRLI is the only hair treatment center on Long Island that has the ARTAS® system, which uses robotic technology, is minimally invasive, and will leave you with a fuller, healthy head of hair. When you choose to have a hair restoration procedure with RHRLI and ARTAS®, we know you’re going to have a lot of questions. One big question has to do with your current hair style. You may have heard about cutting your hair or shaving before hair transplant surgery and be a little unsure about what to do. RHRLI would like to answer those questions and give you information about preparation for ARTAS/FUE procedures. [Read more…] about Should You Cut Your Hair Before ARTAS/FUE Restoration Procedure?

Psychological Effects of Hair Loss in Men and Women

psychological effects of hair loss

For some people, looking in the mirror can be a painful, even traumatizing experience. Realizing you have thinning hair or that you’re losing hair can cause a variety of reactions, from minor sadness to full-scale depression. Hair loss can be particularly difficult for women.  RHRLI wants you to know about the psychological effects of hair loss. We want you to understand the facts and to know that help is available. If you’re seeking a permanent solution to hair loss, RHRLI offers one. We are the only hair restoration center on Long Island, that features the ARTAS® System, the safest, most advanced treatment available today. [Read more…] about Psychological Effects of Hair Loss in Men and Women

When Will My Transplanted Hair Grow & Restoration Occur?

Hair Growth Cycle chartIf you’re undergoing treatment for hair loss or thinning hair, you’re most likely going to have a number of questions and concerns. You’ll want to know if you’re going to find a permanent solution. You will likely ask about your recovery time and any pain that might be associated with a procedure. If that procedure is a hair transplant, a big question is going to be about the timeline for hair restoration. How long will it take for newly transplanted hair to grow and when will you see thicker hair indicating that hair restoration has occurred? RHRLI can help you if you’re looking for that permanent solution. As the only hair treatment center on Long Island that is equipped with the ARTAS® System, a robotic hair transplant procedure, we want you to know how our procedure works, and when to expect a fuller, healthier looking head of hair. [Read more…] about When Will My Transplanted Hair Grow & Restoration Occur?

Correcting High Hairlines

high hairline

Let’s face it, a lot of people become concerned if they look in the mirror and see too much of their forehead. If you’re troubled about hair loss or thinning hair, that very often means you’re worried about the state of your hairline. If you have a high hairline, it can mean many things. It can be something you inherit, or it could mean that you’re losing your hair. RHRLI wants you to understand the facts about high hairlines. We also want you to know what you can do about correcting high hairlines, particularly when they’re related to hair loss. At RHRLI, we offer a permanent solution to hair loss using modern hair loss treatments on Long Island. We employ a state-of-the-art robotic hair transplant technique using the ARTAS® System.  This advanced technology offers a less painful and more precise alternative to traditional hair transplant surgery. [Read more…] about Correcting High Hairlines

Can Shampoo Cause or Contribute to Hair Loss?

Can shampoo cause or contribute to hair lossIt’s considered the most important ingredient to proper hair care, but you probably still have many questions about shampoo. You may have asked how often you should wash your hair or how little. If you’re concerned about thinning hair or hair loss, questions about shampoo may take on an added urgency. You’ll want to know if shampoo can be the cause of hair loss or contribute to it. At RHRLI we’re experts on hair loss and we want you to have as much information as possible about what may lead to thinning hair. If you’re looking for a permanent solution, RHRLI is the only hair loss treatment center on Long Island that has the ARTAS® System, the most advanced technology in the hair transplant and restoration industry. [Read more…] about Can Shampoo Cause or Contribute to Hair Loss?

What is Telogen Effluvium?

Telogen Effluvium treatments

There are many types of hair loss that you may have heard of if you’re searching for a solution to thinning hair. Some of them are referred to by Greek or Latin names.  For example, androgenetic alopecia is simply a fancy way of saying, male or female pattern hair loss. That’s the most common type of hair loss, but what about the second most common type?  It’s called Telogen Effluvium, which finds its roots in the Latin word effluvium which means “flowing out”. It’s used to describe the shedding of hair. Unlike androgenetic alopecia, which follows a pattern and tends to appear on the same places on the head, Telogen Effluvium is more unpredictable and appears in different places. RHRLI wants you to understand this type of hair loss so you can evaluate your treatment options. [Read more…] about What is Telogen Effluvium?

Are There Any Complications from Hair Restoration Surgery?

Complications From Hair Restoration Surgery
If you’re seeking treatment for hair loss or thinning hair, you’ve probably looked at a number of options. You may have read about medications that are available, but discovered that they must be taken continuously and aren’t a long-term fix. You’ve probably also learned that the best option for a permanent solution is hair restoration surgery. RHRLI knows that you want the best treatment available for hair loss, but we understand that talking about surgery can make some of our patients feel uneasy. We want you to feel confident about your decision, so we want you to understand your treatment options and any potential complications related to surgical options. We’ll also tell you why we feel our robotic hair restoration treatment on Long Island, featuring the ARTAS® System, is the safest, most advanced option out there. [Read more…] about Are There Any Complications from Hair Restoration Surgery?

Common Hair Transplant Myths

hair transplant mythsIf you’re seeking a solution to thinning hair or hair loss, you can be overwhelmed by the amount of information that’s out there. You’ll hear things about treatments, cures, potential risks or problems and more than a little misinformation. If you want a permanent solution, RHRLI offers a state-of-the-art hair transplant procedure called the ARTAS® system. It uses robotic technology to give you a healthy, full head of hair. Sometimes it’s difficult to find the facts about hair transplants. We want to tell you about some common hair transplant myths that are out there and what you need to know about these procedures. [Read more…] about Common Hair Transplant Myths

Hair Restoration for Eyebrow Loss

pdEyeBrow At RHRLI, we are dedicated to helping people have a healthy head of hair, which usually involves treating thinning hair or hair loss on the top of your head. But another area of concern for many is eyebrow loss. Having unnaturally thin eyebrows or losing them completely can cause the same problems with appearance and the possible loss of self-esteem that affect those with thinning hair near the scalp. RHRLI has expertise in thinning hair and hair loss and we want you to understand the issues associated with eyebrow loss. We can also explain how we treat patients who come to us for eyebrow hair restoration. [Read more…] about Hair Restoration for Eyebrow Loss

Stem Cells and Hair Follicle Growth

stem cells and hair growthWhen you come across news items about science it often seems like much of it has to do with stem cell research. Whether it’s a study looking for new options to fight conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes, or research looking for ways to treat spinal injuries or heart attacks, stem cells have been central to recent scientific breakthroughs. Lately, they have become a hot topic in the study of hair follicle growth and hair loss. There have been recent studies that have helped us understand how stem cells affect hair loss and the possibility that they may one day help treat those who have thinning hair or are losing their hair. RHRLI would like you to understand these recent developments so you can understand the best ways to have a natural healthy looking head of hair with our latest FUE procedures. [Read more…] about Stem Cells and Hair Follicle Growth