Dr. Baiju Gohil

Hair Restoration for Eyebrow Loss

pdEyeBrow At RHRLI, we are dedicated to helping people have a healthy head of hair, which usually involves treating thinning hair or hair loss on the top of your head. But another area of concern for many is eyebrow loss. Having unnaturally thin eyebrows or losing them completely can cause the same problems with appearance and the possible loss of self-esteem that affect those with thinning hair near the scalp. RHRLI has expertise in thinning hair and hair loss and we want you to understand the issues associated with eyebrow loss. We can also explain how we treat patients who come to us for eyebrow hair restoration. [Read more…] about Hair Restoration for Eyebrow Loss

Stem Cells and Hair Follicle Growth

stem cells and hair growthWhen you come across news items about science it often seems like much of it has to do with stem cell research. Whether it’s a study looking for new options to fight conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes, or research looking for ways to treat spinal injuries or heart attacks, stem cells have been central to recent scientific breakthroughs. Lately, they have become a hot topic in the study of hair follicle growth and hair loss. There have been recent studies that have helped us understand how stem cells affect hair loss and the possibility that they may one day help treat those who have thinning hair or are losing their hair. RHRLI would like you to understand these recent developments so you can understand the best ways to have a natural healthy looking head of hair with our latest FUE procedures. [Read more…] about Stem Cells and Hair Follicle Growth

Can Smoking Cause Hair Loss?

Smoking and hair loss

Androgenic alopecia, more commonly known as male or female pattern hair loss is the most common cause of hair loss. But it’s not the only thing that can trigger thinning hair.  Conditions such as skin infections, autoimmune disorders, and even emotional stress can cause you to lose your hair. In recent years, researchers have been looking into possible links between hair loss and a habit long known to be hazardous to your health: smoking. At RHRLI, we’re committed to helping our patients have a healthy head of hair. So we want you to understand the research linking smoking and hair loss and how fue hair transplants can help. [Read more…] about Can Smoking Cause Hair Loss?

What is Alopecia Areata?

pdAlopeciaThere are several conditions that cause thinning hair or hair loss. The medical term for hair loss is “alopecia,” and the most common type is called androgenetic alopecia, which most people call male or female pattern hair loss. Telogen effluvium is the second most common type. This condition is related to the hair growth cycle. There are three stages of hair growth and telogen effluvium represents the final stage where hair falls out. The third most common type of hair loss is called alopecia areata. It’s an autoimmune skin disease which causes the body’s immune system to attack healthy hair. RHRLI would like you to know about this condition that affects nearly 7 million Americans and 147 million people worldwide. We’ll tell you about the symptoms of this condition and how it can drastically affect the lives of those who are afflicted by it. [Read more…] about What is Alopecia Areata?

Repairing Hair Straightener Damage

pdHairStraightenerSometimes the things we do to make us look our best can end up having us look our worst. A major issue many experience and need assistance with is repairing hair straightener damage. It’s not uncommon to cause damage to your hair while grooming it.  At RHRLI, we want you to know about the dangers and damage that can be caused when you try to straighten your hair and also what you can do to repair hair should damage occur. We believe in making sure you have a healthy head of hair, which is why you should make us your first choice if you’re concerned about hair loss or thinning hair.

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What Causes Male Pattern Hair Loss?

word bubble with hair loss related terms

It’s a condition that affects about 50 million men, and 30 million women in the US, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). More than 50 percent of men over the age of 50 experience it. It sometimes goes by the scientific name androgenetic alopecia, but most people know it as either male or female pattern baldness or male pattern hair loss. Those affected by hair loss can become concerned about their appearance and even develop self-esteem issues. RHRLI would like you to understand the causes, symptoms, and science behind male pattern hair loss, so you’ll be better prepared to consider your treatment options like our state of the art robotic hair transplant system.

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Does Healthy Food Equal Healthy Hair?


There are many things that can lead to thinning hair and hair loss. A very common condition is called androgenetic alopecia, which is also known as male or female pattern hair loss. Genetics play a big factor, as can scarring, and reactions to medication. Not every cause is immediately obvious. For example, some might be surprised to learn that there’s a connection between stress and thinning hair. You also might not know that there is a connection between eating healthy food and having healthy hair.

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Can a Man Bun Lead to Hair Loss?

man bun causes traction alopecia

You may start out looking like Leonardo DiCaprio, but you could end up looking like Ed Asner.

Man buns,” the 21st-century hairstyle that’s favored by Hollywood movie stars and urban hipsters, can bring about hair loss, according to recent scientific reports. Constant pulling of hair can cause scarring of the scalp and even permanent loss. Robotic Hair Restoration Long Island would like you to understand the facts, dangers and hair loss treatment options connected with this style. [Read more…] about Can a Man Bun Lead to Hair Loss?

Advantages of Robotic FUE Over Neograft

hair folliclesIf you’ve looked into treatment options for your thinning hair or hair loss, you’ve probably read quite a bit about the technology options that are out there. Like everything else in this hi-tech age, hair loss treatment has evolved, and you might be confused about what may be right for you. [Read more…] about Advantages of Robotic FUE Over Neograft

Your Hair Loss Treatment Options on Long Island

hair loss treatment on long islandIf you’re dealing with hair loss or thinning hair, the odds are that you want to know what solutions are out there for you. There is a lot of information about procedures, medications, and other types of treatment. You want the best and most up-to-date information about all of your hair loss treatment options and RHRLI would like to help. Our experienced physician, Dr. Baiju Gohil and his team use advanced technology to put together a hair restoration plan that suits your needs. [Read more…] about Your Hair Loss Treatment Options on Long Island