Medical Conditions

Protein And Hair Loss

man looking at hair loss in mirrorWhat we put in our bodies affects our whole body. A healthy diet where you’re taking in the necessary vitamins and nutrients has a positive effect on your overall well-being – a higher probability of healthy skin, nails, and yes, healthy hair. Malnutrition has the opposite effect. [Read more…] about Protein And Hair Loss

OTC Medications That Accelerate Hair Loss

medication and hair lossThere are many different illnesses and infections that could potentially cause hair loss. In those cases, you’ll often be prescribed a medication that will result in hair regrowth. Other medications like minoxidil – which has a different function when taken orally – can treat hair loss when applied topically.

While there are examples of medications that can help to prevent hair loss or even reverse temporary hair loss, there are still other over-the-counter medications available that could trigger or accelerate hair loss.

So… what medications cause hair loss?

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How To Diagnose The Cause Of Hair Loss

doctor diagnosing hair lossWhen we suspect we might be losing our hair, many of us don’t know what to do at first. We don’t want to wait for more visible balding, but are we overreacting? Rather than wait around to see if you lose more hair or trying to do a self-diagnosis, you can visit a doctor who can help determine if you may be experiencing hair thinning or loss. [Read more…] about How To Diagnose The Cause Of Hair Loss

Lack of Sleep and Hair Loss

man having trouble sleepingMany of us know that stress plays a role in hair thinning or hair loss. Specifically, telogen effluvium is a type of hair loss associated with high stress where a high number of hair follicles on your scalp end up being pushed into the resting phase together, which results in a disproportionately large amount of hair to shed or fall out together resulting in noticeable hair thinning. [Read more…] about Lack of Sleep and Hair Loss

Early Signs Of Balding

balding manMany of us find ourselves closely examining our hair from time to time to make sure it is still all there. It can be easy to over-analyze and look at anything as a sign of balding. For instance, as men get older their hairline matures… which is different from a receding hairline. This happens naturally as men go from their teenage years into adulthood with their hairline climbing up about an inch. [Read more…] about Early Signs Of Balding

Why Did the Founding Fathers Wear Wigs?

wigs worn by the founding fathersWith 4th of July comes images of and movies about the Revolutionary War, showcasing the powdered hair and powdered wigs worn by the men of the time. Even the musical Hamilton featured the title character wearing a traditional 18th century male hairstyle, the queue, which is a French term for a ponytail (though without powdered hair) and a character in a powdered wig. The wig, however, was worn by King George III – who isn’t terribly popular in the musical or in that time period. [Read more…] about Why Did the Founding Fathers Wear Wigs?

Men’s Health Week

men's health weekInternational Men’s Health Week this year is the week of June 14th through the 20th. Men’s Health Week was started here in the United States nearly three decades ago to coincide with Father’s Day and to raise awareness of preventable health problems that affect boys and men. While there are certainly more serious problems that can affect men than hair loss, there are a number of health problems that include hair loss as a side effect which are preventable. [Read more…] about Men’s Health Week

Celiac and Severe Hair Loss

celiac disease and hair loss?You may have noticed in recent years that more and more items at the grocery store and on restaurant menus are featuring labels to note if a particular item is gluten-free. In order to be a gluten-free food, the item in question cannot include wheat, barley, or rye in its ingredients. While some people choose gluten-free foods as part of their diet, others require gluten-free foods because they suffer from Celiac disease. [Read more…] about Celiac and Severe Hair Loss