Dr. Baiju Gohil

Can Head Massage Stop Hair Loss?

Head massages and hair loss.If you’re losing your hair, you’ve probably heard lots of stories and myths about what causes you to lose hair. Some things aren’t true, like the idea that wearing a hat is responsible for hair loss. Some of them are true. For example, there are medications that are used to treat hair loss. There’s a lot of treatments out there and at RHRLI we offer the ARTAS® system, which we feel is the best solution on the market. But you may have also heard that head massage also helps stop hair loss. At RHRLI, we want patients to have the correct information about their options, so we want to examine the relationship between hair loss and head massage. [Read more…] about Can Head Massage Stop Hair Loss?

Which Autoimmune Diseases Cause Hair Loss?

autoimmune disease and hair loss RHRLI Hair loss doesn’t happen for one reason. At RHRLI we see patients who’ve lost their hair from a variety of causes. Some lose hair because of heredity, others because of stress or trauma to their scalp due to things like tight hairstyles. Sometimes hair loss can come as the result of a medication you are taking. And sometimes hair loss is the result of a disease or medical condition. [Read more…] about Which Autoimmune Diseases Cause Hair Loss?

How Hormones Affect Hair Loss

Hormones and Hair Loss

There are a lot of things that go through a patient’s mind when they’re losing their hair. One question they often ask themselves and ask us here at RHRLI is, “Why?” Patients want to know what causes their hair loss and they also want to know what kind of permanent solution they can find. When you’re looking at causes of hair loss, you’ve probably heard mention of hormones. Hormones can affect hair loss, but the involvement of hormones in the most common cause of hair loss is a little bit complicated. [Read more…] about How Hormones Affect Hair Loss

Look Great For Beach Weather With RHRLI

Relaxing by the water.

At RHRLI we know how important your personal appearance is to you. It’s one of the reasons we do what we do. We offer our customers a permanent solution to hair loss, so you can look your best. We know that we’ve reached the height of summer and that means beach weather. If you want to show off at the beach, RHRLI’s state-of-the-art hair restoration procedure called the ARTAS® system can give you a healthy head of hair so you can look terrific at the beach. Let us tell you how!

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Micropigmentation vs. Microblading: What’s the Difference?

Microblading vs Micropigmentation

There are many ways people lose hair, and there’s many types of treatments for hair loss or thinning hair. At RHRLI we offer a permanent solution for conditions like androgenetic alopecia, also known as male or female pattern hair loss, called the ARTAS® System. It’s a Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) which uses robotic technology to give you minimally invasive hair transplants. Some people seek other more invasive transplants, while others seek treatment to cover up thinning hair. You may have heard of treatments such as scalp micropigmentation and microblading and wonder what they’re about. [Read more…] about Micropigmentation vs. Microblading: What’s the Difference?

RHRLI Featured in GQ!

Dr. Baiju Gohil

Why is the sky blue?  Why did dinosaurs go extinct? Why do fools fall in love? Why is it that the hair on your head grows long, but the hair on your body doesn’t?  It’s a good bet that you won’t know the answers to most or all of these questions. But we know somebody who can answer the last one.

That person is RHRLI’s own doctor, Baiju Gohil MD, who is an expert on hair restoration and all things having to do with hair. So we were thrilled recently when the folks at GQ approached Dr. Gohil to ask some questions about hair growth.

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Do Head Massages Stimulate Hair Growth?

Head massages and your hair

If you have been suffering from hair loss you’ve probably heard all sorts of tales about ways to stimulate hair growth. You’ve likely heard about oils, mixtures and all sorts of home remedies. RHRLI knows you may be very confused by all of this. One remedy for hair loss that most people have heard proposed a lot over time involves head massage. There are those who swear that frequent head massage will stimulate hair growth. But is this true or is this a myth? [Read more…] about Do Head Massages Stimulate Hair Growth?

5 More Common Hair Loss Myths

Fact vs Fiction

You hear them all the time: urban legends, old wives’ tales, myths.  We often hear things that simply aren’t true, but many people believe anyway. At RHRLI, we hear myths all the time about hair loss. We’ll even hear patients repeat these myths.  We want our patients to understand the truth about hair loss and why we feel that our permanent solution the ARTAS® System is the best hair restoration procedure out there. In March we told you about 5 common hair loss myths, so we want to tell you about 5 more. [Read more…] about 5 More Common Hair Loss Myths

An Interview With RHRLI’s Dr. Baiju Gohil

Dr. Baiju Gohil

At RHRLI, we make it our business to transform lives. We help patients every day with our state-of-the-art robotic hair transplant, the ARTAS® System. It’s a minimally invasive procedure that gives patients new, healthy hair. Our doctor Baiju Gohil is the first surgeon to bring this life changing technology to Long Island and we recently sat down with Dr. Gohil to discuss ARTAS®, his practice, and recent trends in hair loss treatment. [Read more…] about An Interview With RHRLI’s Dr. Baiju Gohil