Dr. Baiju Gohil

Curly or Straight: Types of Hair and Hair Loss

Differences with Straight and Curly Hair.

Everybody’s hair is a little bit different. There are different colors, different lengths and different styles. Some people have a full head of hair and some people have thinning hair or hair loss. We see that every day at RHRLI and we also see hair in its natural state. But that comes in two categories as well. Some people have straight hair and some people have curly hair. But does having straight or curly hair have implications on whether or not you’re going to lose your hair? Are there special issues related to straight or curly hair and hair loss?

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Age Groups and Hair Loss

Does ages have a nig impact on hair loss?Some people consider hair loss to be a condition that only affects older men. But hair loss doesn’t just affect men and it doesn’t just target one age group. Plenty of younger people lose their hair for various reasons. And even those who do lose a significant amount of hair when they’re younger, see different patterns of hair loss as they age. At RHRLI, we consult with all different types of patients from all different types of age groups and each group has different issues related to hair loss. We want to tell you about age groups and hair loss and tell you about our permanent solution to thinning hair. [Read more…] about Age Groups and Hair Loss

Do I Need a Hair Transplant?

Are you noticing thinning hair?

You see the signs every time you look in the mirror. You’re losing your hair.  While we all lose hair as part of the natural hair growth cycle, if your hair loss is becoming noticeable, it could mean you may benefit from a hair transplant. Your hair loss may be farther along and you could already know that a hair transplant is a strong possibility.  If you’re thinking you might want a hair transplant, you need information about what lies ahead. RHRLI wants to give you that information and wants to tell you about our hair transplant that can be a permanent solution to your hair loss.

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The Hair-Raising History of the Toupée

Smiling young man with a full head of hair.

What do John Wayne, Frank Sinatra and Sean Connery, the original James Bond, and William Shatner, the original Captain Kirk, all have in common? They all reportedly wear toupées. Hairpieces are common in Hollywood and other corners of the entertainment industry and the media and everyday people have a lot of fun speculating whose hair is real and whose isn’t. But have you ever wondered where the toupée comes from?  They didn’t just fall from the sky on top of people’s heads. Like everything else, there’s a history behind hairpieces, and RHRLI thought it would be fun to take a look at that history while letting you know about our permanent solution to hair loss that involves your real hair. [Read more…] about The Hair-Raising History of the Toupée

The Convenience of Hair Restoration on Long Island

A full head of natural hair.

Patients looking for a permanent solution to hair loss know that it’s a very personal decision. You want to make certain that you feel comfortable undergoing a hair transplant and there’s a lot that goes into making patients feel at ease. You want comfortable surroundings and a relaxed atmosphere.  It’s also important that your procedure be minimally invasive and as pain free as possible. And it’s important that your hair restoration center not be difficult to get to.

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How Do Facial Hair Transplants Work?

Restore your full beard.

When you think of hair transplants most people start at the top. More often than not, hair transplants are looked at as a solution to hair loss or thinning hair on the scalp. Healthy hair is removed from the sides and back the head and transferred to where they are needed, usually on the top or front of the scalp, particularly for those who suffer from male pattern hair loss. But there’s another type of hair transplant that’s becoming more and more popular that accepts donations below the scalp. This is a facial hair transplant, and they’re available at RHRLI.

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New Hair Loss Treatment for Cancer Patients

Hair growth after cancer treatment.

A cancer diagnosis can be devastating and unfortunately many patients have to deal with a difficult side effect often associated with cancer treatment. Very often cancer treatment drugs cause hair loss. This can create emotional trauma and a loss of self confidence at a particularly vulnerable time. But a treatment has been developed over decades and recently cleared by the US Food and Drug Administration that offers dignity and hope for cancer patients who’ve lost their hair. RHRLI wants you to know about this new treatment option called scalp cooling.

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Use That Tax Refund to Change Your Life

ARTAS® can improve your hair quality.

It’s probably not the most wonderful time of the year. Let’s face it, the annual tax deadline in April usually brings gloom to most people. It’s no fun to fill out your tax forms, but there is one thing that Uncle Sam does that cheers us up. We all love getting tax refunds. With taxes due on April 17 in 2018, those refunds could be heading your way soon. According to the IRS, it usually takes about 21 days from when you file electronically or 6 weeks after you mailed your paper return to get your refund. There are a lot of ways you can spend the money, but RHRLI can help you use that tax refund to change your life. [Read more…] about Use That Tax Refund to Change Your Life

Do You Lose Hair in Winter?

Winter Hair Health

As we finally head into some warmer weather you may be wondering how much of an effect the cold weather has had on your hair. A lot of people believe winter is tough on your mane. In fact, many people believe that they lose more hair in the winter than at any other time of the year. But is that true? Does cold weather promote hair loss and if it doesn’t, what season is more likely to produce thinning hair?  At RHRLI we know you have questions about the factors that go into hair loss and we understand it can be difficult to separate fact from myth. So we want to tell you what we know about hair loss in winter.

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Postpartum Hair Loss: What You Need to Know

Can childbirth cause hair loss?Giving birth is one of the milestones of any mother’s life. It can be a very joyful experience and it can also be difficult and sometimes extremely stressful. There are also extreme hormonal changes associated with giving birth. You may have heard that stressful situations can result in hair loss and you might also have read about cases of postpartum hair loss. RHRLI knows there’s a lot of information and misinformation out there about hair loss so we want to tell you what you need to know about postpartum hair loss. [Read more…] about Postpartum Hair Loss: What You Need to Know