Robotic Hair Restoration Blog

Graves' disease

Why Does Graves’ Disease Cause Hair Loss?

Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder that affects the thyroid. In autoimmune diseases, the body’s immune system misinterprets another part of the body as the enemy and attacks it. The thyroid is part of the endocrine system. This small gland in the neck controls how your body uses energy, which has profound effects on the entire body. The thyroid even
COVID-19 and Hair Loss

COVID-19 and Hair Loss – What You Should Know

If you have had COVID-19 or know someone who has, side effects can continue for months after recovery. If one of those side effects is hair loss, you should know that you’re not alone.
Santa Claus' Christmas diet

Can Santa Claus’ Diet Cause Hair Loss?

Santa Claus tends to be depicted wearing a hat for a reason – art showing the jolly old elf without his signature white-trimmed red cap show that he suffers from hair loss. Sometimes it’s classic male-pattern baldness with a completely bare head except for fringe on the sides. Less often, Santa has most of his hair but is missing hair
pregnancy and hair loss

Pregnancy and Hair Loss: What You Need to Know

Something that many people don’t consider, understandably, is how pregnancy can affect your hair. Women account for up to 40% of Americans that suffer from hair loss – through pregnancy, stress, medication, and age.
homeopathy and hair loss

Is Homeopathy Effective For Hair Loss?

Someone could be experiencing hair loss for one of many reasons. Factors such as stress, a hormonal imbalance, or genetics can all be factors in an individual’s hair loss or thinning.
protective hairstyle

Natural Hair Guide: Protective Styles, Breakage and Shedding

Proper hair treatment is essential to prevent natural hair from breaking or shedding. First, trim split ends to prevent further damage. Periodically deep condition your hair – but also occasionally use a clarifying treatment to prevent product build-up. Avoid using heat on your hair and seal your ends. A protective hairstyle is also something to consider.
17th century powered wig

Hamilton and The History of The Wig

People wanting solutions to their hair loss is nothing new and, for thousands of years, wigs were the best solution because – unlike today with ARTAS® – no good treatment options existed. However, wigs were also a fashion statement during certain points in history, such as the period depicted in the hit musical Hamilton.
man worried about seasonal hair loss

Should You Worry About Seasonal Hair Loss?

Hair loss of any kind can be stressful, but seasonal hair loss usually is not a serious problem. However, the term “seasonal hair loss” is more complex than you may assume, so let’s unpack what that can actually mean.
Is blonde hair different?

Blonde Hair And Hair Loss

Natural blondes are hard to come by. In fact, only about 2% of the global population is blonde. That is in large part because blonde hair originated from a genetic mutation more than 10,000 years ago and is connected to a recessive gene. Some false reports have claimed that blondes will be extinct by the 23rd century, but recessive genes
No Shave November

The Difference Between No Shave November & Movember

It’s that time of year again. Men all over the country are opting to hold off shaving for the whole month as a part of No Shave November or Movember. While these two events are often lumped together and can sound like they’re the same thing, there are some big differences between the two to keep in mind before deciding