Look Great For Beach Weather With RHRLI

Relaxing by the water.

At RHRLI we know how important your personal appearance is to you. It’s one of the reasons we do what we do. We offer our customers a permanent solution to hair loss, so you can look your best. We know that we’ve reached the height of summer and that means beach weather. If you want to show off at the beach, RHRLI’s state-of-the-art hair restoration procedure called the ARTAS® system can give you a healthy head of hair so you can look terrific at the beach. Let us tell you how!

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RHRLI Featured in GQ!

Dr. Baiju Gohil

Why is the sky blue?  Why did dinosaurs go extinct? Why do fools fall in love? Why is it that the hair on your head grows long, but the hair on your body doesn’t?  It’s a good bet that you won’t know the answers to most or all of these questions. But we know somebody who can answer the last one.

That person is RHRLI’s own doctor, Baiju Gohil MD, who is an expert on hair restoration and all things having to do with hair. So we were thrilled recently when the folks at GQ approached Dr. Gohil to ask some questions about hair growth.

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5 More Common Hair Loss Myths

Fact vs Fiction

You hear them all the time: urban legends, old wives’ tales, myths.  We often hear things that simply aren’t true, but many people believe anyway. At RHRLI, we hear myths all the time about hair loss. We’ll even hear patients repeat these myths.  We want our patients to understand the truth about hair loss and why we feel that our permanent solution the ARTAS® System is the best hair restoration procedure out there. In March we told you about 5 common hair loss myths, so we want to tell you about 5 more. [Read more…] about 5 More Common Hair Loss Myths

An Interview With RHRLI’s Dr. Baiju Gohil

Dr. Baiju Gohil

At RHRLI, we make it our business to transform lives. We help patients every day with our state-of-the-art robotic hair transplant, the ARTAS® System. It’s a minimally invasive procedure that gives patients new, healthy hair. Our doctor Baiju Gohil is the first surgeon to bring this life changing technology to Long Island and we recently sat down with Dr. Gohil to discuss ARTAS®, his practice, and recent trends in hair loss treatment. [Read more…] about An Interview With RHRLI’s Dr. Baiju Gohil

The Convenience of Hair Restoration on Long Island

A full head of natural hair.

Patients looking for a permanent solution to hair loss know that it’s a very personal decision. You want to make certain that you feel comfortable undergoing a hair transplant and there’s a lot that goes into making patients feel at ease. You want comfortable surroundings and a relaxed atmosphere.  It’s also important that your procedure be minimally invasive and as pain free as possible. And it’s important that your hair restoration center not be difficult to get to.

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Use That Tax Refund to Change Your Life

ARTAS® can improve your hair quality.

It’s probably not the most wonderful time of the year. Let’s face it, the annual tax deadline in April usually brings gloom to most people. It’s no fun to fill out your tax forms, but there is one thing that Uncle Sam does that cheers us up. We all love getting tax refunds. With taxes due on April 17 in 2018, those refunds could be heading your way soon. According to the IRS, it usually takes about 21 days from when you file electronically or 6 weeks after you mailed your paper return to get your refund. There are a lot of ways you can spend the money, but RHRLI can help you use that tax refund to change your life. [Read more…] about Use That Tax Refund to Change Your Life

5 Common Hair Loss Myths

Does that really cause hair loss?!?

Hair loss can be difficult enough without having to deal with misinformation. People who are losing their hair often deal with negative feelings and lack of self-esteem because of their condition. It can be hard to take the first steps towards finding a permanent solution, but it can be complicated by all of the information and the myths out there. At RHRLI, we have the best permanent solution to hair loss you can find. It’s called the ARTAS® System and it uses robotic technology to give you a minimally invasive hair transplant. [Read more…] about 5 Common Hair Loss Myths

RHRLI Takes Manhattan

Hair Restoration in Manhattan.

If you’re looking to find a solution to your hair loss, we know it can be difficult to take those first steps towards helping yourself. There’s a lot of confusing information out there that may make you apprehensive about moving forward. You want accurate information and you want to go to an office where all of your options are explained to you and you receive extensive, accurate information. You’ll also want to go to receive your consultation from a medical staff you feel comfortable with and where you’ll always feel at ease with your surroundings. RHRLI is that type of office both on Long Island and in Manhattan.

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The Importance of Individual Consultation

Individual hair transplant consultation

There’s a famous Chinese proverb that reads, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” It’s a simple statement but it’s profound. Whatever you want to do in life is not possible until you make that first move towards accomplishing your goal. If you’re looking to find a permanent solution to your hair loss, you can take that first step at RHRLI. [Read more…] about The Importance of Individual Consultation

Are Hair Transplants Painful?

Fixing your thinning hairline. It’s probably one of the questions that patients ask the most, when considering a hair transplant: “Will it be painful?” At RHRLI, we hear this all the time, and we certainly understand why it’s such an important consideration. That’s why RHRLI wants to make certain that all of our patients looking for a permanent solution to hair loss know that our hair transplant procedure is minimally invasive. [Read more…] about Are Hair Transplants Painful?