Robotic Hair Restoration Blog

Emotional and psychological effects of female hair loss.

How Women Approach Hair Loss

Hair loss can be difficult. Many of society’s attitudes about personal appearance are related to hair. And it is often recognized as an indicator of beauty. Losing your hair can be devastating for any patient, but hair loss can be particularly hard on women. At RHRLI, we help all of our patients by offering a permanent solution to hair loss
Dyeing your hair too often could lead to hair loss.

Hair Coloring and Hair Loss

People take hairstyles very seriously. Hair is often an important factor in how people judge your appearance and people often go to great lengths to make certain they look terrific. It’s the reason you’ll see so much money spent on stylists and hair products. Used properly, hair products such as coloring dye or bleach do make you look unique, but
Hair restoration can be minimally invasive.

Are Hair Transplants Painful?

It’s probably one of the questions that patients ask the most, when considering a hair transplant: “Will it be painful?” At RHRLI, we hear this all the time, and we certainly understand why it’s such an important consideration. That’s why RHRLI wants to make certain that all of our patients looking for a permanent solution to hair loss know that
Female Pattern Hair Loss

Major Causes of Hair Loss for Women

Thinning hair is not just a problem that strikes men. We tend to think of men first, but according to the American Hair Loss Association, 40 percent of those who suffer from hair loss are women. Because it’s not traditional to focus on hair loss for women, it can also be particularly difficult to deal with given society’s attitudes towards
The ARTAS® robot can help restore your hair.

A Look at RHRLI’s Robotic Technology

Technology changes our lives in so many different ways. It allows us to communicate better, it can make employees more productive at the workplace. We see technology touch almost every part of our day in almost every walk of life. One area it’s made a huge difference is in the field of medicine. Technology saves lives and helps patients live
Minimally invasive robotic hair restoration

A Step by Step Look at the ARTAS Procedure

There are about 80 million people in the United States who suffer from hair loss, and it can be a difficult condition deal with. Those affected often deal with issues related to their self-esteem. Having a healthy new head of hair can be a major boost to one’s confidence and can change your life. At RHRLI we have a permanent
Balding and thinning hair affects even Celebrities.

Celebrities and Hair Loss

At RHRLI, we know that hair loss affects people from all walks of life. We see people from all age groups and all types of ethnic backgrounds. Hair loss and thinning hair don’t discriminate against anyone, but sometimes it seems like it skips over the beautiful people of Hollywood and other celebrity playgrounds around the world. Anyone who’s ever seen
What is the real difference between FUE & FUT procedures?

How FUE is Different From FUT

If you’re looking for a solution to your hair loss or thinning hair, you’ve probably heard about a number of different treatments and procedures. There’s so much out there it likely seems confusing. Hair transplants in particular can leave your head spinning and you may have heard about two types of hair transplants with similar sounding names and initials. They
What you should know about childhood hair loss issues.

Understanding Child Hair Loss

Many people think of hair loss as something that affects older men, but the truth is that anyone can lose their hair. While it can be devastating for men, social expectations can make it even more devastating for women and children. For a child, losing hair can cause them to feel like an outcast. Hair loss in children is also
ARTAS® Robotic Hair Restoration System

The Precision of ARTAS

There are lots of places out there advertising solutions to hair loss, but you can be certain that they’re not all the same. Some solutions like medication don’t work if you stop using them. Procedures such as strip surgery can be painful. Patients also want the results to be healthy and natural looking. Thinning hair can leave emotional scars and