How FUE is Different From FUT

Baldness, Thinning, and Hair Transplants.

If you’re looking for a solution to your hair loss or thinning hair, you’ve probably heard about a number of different treatments and procedures. There’s so much out there it likely seems confusing. Hair transplants in particular can leave your head spinning and you may have heard about two types of hair transplants with similar sounding names and initials. They are Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). These two procedures may sound alike, but they’re actually very different.

RHRLI Offers a Permanent Solution to Hair Loss

RHRLI wants you to know the distinct differences between FUE and FUT and why they’re important. We offer a Robotic FUE procedure that we believe is the best permanent solution to hair loss out there. It’s called the ARTAS® System, and RHRLI is the only hair loss treatment center on Long Island that offers this revolutionary procedure.  We want our customers to understand our procedure and why it differs from FUT procedures.

The Basics of FUE and FUT

FUT, which is also called “strip surgery” is an invasive surgical procedure. It involves taking a strip of scalp from the back of the transplant patient’s head and removing it, so the hair can be transplanted elsewhere. When the procedure is over, sutures are needed to close the wound on the patient’s scalp. The procedure leaves a long horizontal scar along the back of the head.

FUE is a minimally invasive procedure. Hair follicles are harvested individually from donor areas on the back and side of the head. There are no linear surgical incisions left on the back of the head. Because the ARTAS® System is a robotic FUE procedure, the donor hair harvesting process is done with extreme precision. This makes ARTAS® more accurate than other FUE procedures which use handheld devices.

FUE vs FUT After the Procedure is Over

The differences between FUE and FUT are also highly significant once the procedure is over. Because FUE is minimally invasive, recovery time is shorter. With FUT procedures, many patients are going to need post-operative pain medication. They’ll also be more susceptible to long term side effects such as possible nerve injury or abnormal traction or healing of the nerve. FUT patients often feel short term side effects as well including numbness and tingling, scalp tightness and lingering pain. In many cases, ARTAS® patients don’t even need pain medication after their procedure. If they do, it’s usually a mild pain reliever like acetaminophen.

Most ARTAS® patients get back to normal activities in just a few days while FUT patients are known to have prolonged recovery times of even several weeks. Some FUT patients are known to have difficulty sleeping on the sutured area for a number of weeks as well.

RHRLI and ARTAS® Are Minimally Invasive

As you can see, the difference between FUT and Robotic FUE from ARTAS® is extremely significant. If you’re looking for a permanent solution to your hair loss, you want a procedure that’s minimally invasive and that uses robotic precision to give you a healthy new head of hair. You want the ARTAS® difference. To learn more, contact RHRLI today.

Please note that the author of this piece is not a doctor and the information in this material is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your doctor or medical professional for specific information regarding your individual situation.

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