Turmeric And Hair Loss

Turmeric and Hair LossAs we get older, it feels that we have less and less time to do the things we need to do in our day-to-day lives to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Keeping our body and mind active is time consuming and every aspect of ourselves requires different nutrients and activities we need to stay on top of… including for our hair.

Managing our stress, getting enough sleep, and eating right will help us out overall – but for the vast majority of us it’s just not enough to keep us from hair thinning or loss. When we experience the start of hair loss, we often start by looking at more natural products to see if they may help stop or delay this. One such natural product is turmeric, which is available in multiple forms. But can turmeric help combat hair loss?

Does Turmeric Block DHT?

One of the leading components in male pattern baldness is the hormone DHT. There is no direct and definitive evidence that turmeric will block DHT in everyone. However, preclinical studies have shown that curcumin (which is found in high concentration in turmeric) can help prevent the actions within the body that lead to the creation of DHT… and keep DHT levels in check.

Does Turmeric Increase Hair Growth?

Certain types of hair loss may be stymied as a result of turmeric and as a result could potentially increase hair growth. Its anti-inflammation properties can not only promote a healthier scalp but reduce dandruff as well.

Turmeric can be applied directly to the scalp mixed with natural oils and set in the hair. It can also be taken orally through supplements or by being added to beverages such as tea. With that in mind, turmeric is not known for preventing the genetic disposition of male or female pattern baldness.

Can Turmeric Help With Gray Hair?

In addition to the other benefits of turmeric, some also claim that it can help maintain hair color and prevent hair from graying as easily as it would otherwise. This may have to do with its ability to promote a healthy scalp through inflammation reduction and improving circulation.

That said, turmeric is not for everyone. Some people are allergic. If you experience rash, hives or abdominal pain please stop using it immediately and consult with a doctor.

RHRLI Can Help Restore Your Hair And Keep It Healthy And Strong

Being smart about what you put in your hair is important, and using products that have a track record for promoting healthy hair – like turmeric – can be helpful in reducing inflammation which could potentially fight against specific kinds of hair loss and may reduce dandruff as well. However, most people will still suffer from some amount of hair thinning or loss in their lives that is just unavoidable due to genetic predispositions.

For those experiencing hair loss, we utilize the minimally invasive ARTAS® Robotic Hair Transplant System for hair restoration – a procedure that produces exceptional results and will get you back to your day-to-day life in just a few days. Contact us today for a free consultation to restore your hair and your confidence.

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