Facts About Hair Loss Vs Myths About Hair Loss

a male looking up towards his baldish head pondering his hair lossThere’s no getting around it. We worry about our hair constantly. We worry about how it looks. Is it too long or too short? We wonder if we’re wearing the right hairstyle. We fret about hair products we use. And if you think your hair might be thinning, most people begin to get really concerned. We hear all sorts of stories about hair loss and very often it’s difficult to determine what’s true and what isn’t. RHRLI knows it’s important for our patients to understand the truth about their hair loss.

Myths and Facts About Hair Loss

Myth: Too Much Sun Will Cause You to Lose Your Hair

  • The Real Facts: The sun is simply not going to bake your hair off. But too much sun can damage your hair, according to Men’s Health. Sun can make your hair more brittle and may cause you to shed more hair than usual. It’s highly recommended that you wear a hat when you go out in the sun and also apply plenty of sunscreen lotion. Using a good conditioner will also help keep your hair healthy.

Myth:  Everyone Loses their Hair by Age 50

  • The Real Facts: Not everyone loses their hair at 50, but a lot of men do. People can and do lose hair at any age, but the most common kind of hair loss, androgenetic alopecia, more commonly known as male or female pattern hair loss is progressive. According to the American Hair Loss Association,
  • 25 percent of men begin the process of losing hair, by age 21.
  • By age 50, 85 percent of men have significantly thinning hair.

Myth: Washing Hair Too Much Causes Thinning Hair in Women

  • The Real Facts: Relax! Washing your hair isn’t going to cause permanent problems. According to the website About Her, washing your hair less will not prevent thinning hair. If you see hair in your drain after you shower, that’s not unusual. It doesn’t mean that you’re losing your hair. Washing your scalp regularly does not affect your hair roots.

Myth: All Hair Restoration Procedures Are the Same

  • The Real Facts: Robotic Hair Restoration of Long Island and ARTAS® are way ahead of the pack. The ARTAS® robotic arm gives the doctor precision that you won’t find in any procedure that involves the use of a handheld device. At RHRLI, we’ll give you the individual attention you deserve and ARTAS® is minimally invasive. Many patients report little to no pain. You won’t have to have heavy scarring and the pain that comes with procedures like “strip surgery.” You can resume your normal life in just days.

RHRLI Puts the Patient First

We’re committed to our patients at RHRLI. It’s all part of “the RHRLI Edge.” Our board-certified surgeon, Dr. Baiju Gohil, never schedules a procedure with more than one patient a day. We’re the only hair restoration treatment center on Long Island that has the ARTAS® Hair Transplant System, best solution to hair loss available. ARTAS® uses robotic technology to give you healthy hair where you need it most. From the moment that you walk in to our state-of-the-art facility to the end of your procedure, you will experience the care and attention that sets RHRLI LI apart from all others.

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