Can A Shower Filter Help Prevent Hair Loss?

Can a shower filter help prevent hair loss?A number of factors can contribute to hair loss – genetics, diet, stress levels, and more – but have you ever wondered if water might be one of those factors? If not the water itself, then the impurities and minerals suspended in it?

Can My Shower Water Cause Hair Loss?

Surprising as it sounds, shower water can contribute to hair loss. But whether it does or not depends entirely on the local water supply in your area.

The harder the water, the more deleterious to healthy hair it is. Hard water has a high percentage of dissolved minerals in it, most frequently calcium and magnesium. If your shampoo does not lather up or you have a feeling of having a residue on your skin after washing with soap, you probably have hard water.

How Do You Know If Water Is Causing Your Hair Loss?

Look for breakage where the hair is breaking off at the root. Hard water weakens the hair’s shaft, causing it to break off even if the follicle is perfectly healthy.

Another symptom to look for is dryness or frizziness. This is because the minerals in hard water can actually dry out the hair shaft, making brittle. In addition, chlorine is a common additive in public water… which can also cause damage that contributes to hair loss.

Is a Shower Filter Good for Your Hair?

A shower filter can reduce your hair’s exposure to fine dirt, sediment, and other impurities in the local water – as well as reducing the amount of chlorine and minerals. Since these are the primary culprits when it comes to damaging your hair, using a shower filter is a good move when trying to prevent harm to your hair.

Can a Water Filtration System Be Good for Hair?

A water filtration system can be good for your hair for the same reasons as a shower filter. The main difference is that a water filtration system will remove the impurities from all of the household water rather than just the shower, eliminating the need for pitcher or faucet water filtration.

Since the effects of hard water can also affect water’s taste, dry out and damage the skin, and even lead to mineral buildup in pipes… a whole house system can protect you on several fronts.

RHRLI Can Help Restore Your Hair And Keep It Healthy

At RHRLI, while we use the most advanced hair restoration technology available (such as the ARTAS® Robotic Hair Restoration System), we also make sure to stay on the cutting edge of non-invasive treatments allowing us to diagnose and customize a treatment plan specifically for your individual needs. Whether your situation calls for lifestyle change or surgical remedies, we will help you find the best solution for bringing you back to a full and vibrant mane.

Contact us today for a free consultation. Let’s take those first steps toward a vital head of hair and the confidence that comes with it!

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