What Is A Hair Graft?

What is a graft?Hair thinning or loss can add discomfort and stress to an already stressful life. Even though hair loss is very common (affecting the overwhelming majority of men and many women as well), it doesn’t make experiencing the change any easier. And while it is understandable to look toward alternative approaches to hair restoration, hair transplant procedures are still the most consistently reliable path to regaining a youthful hairline.

If you are interested in restoring your hair, you likely want to know more about what goes into it. Hair transplant procedures require a hair graft to take on your scalp. Hair grafts are hairs taken from a donor area and implanted in the desired area of the scalp to regrow hair there.

So, how many hairs are in a graft?

How Many Hairs Are In A Graft?

The amount of hair in a particular hair graft differs with the technique used. A slit graft that would be used in FUT hair restoration harvests between 4 to 10 hairs on average. FUE hair restoration requires micrografts – which contain between 1 and 2 hairs each.

The slit graft is named as such due to the approach requiring a slit to transplant a strip of healthy hair from the donor area. Whereas micrografts are very tiny punctures to procure and transplant the individual hair follicles. As a result, FUE hair transplant has a shorter recovery time.

Do All Grafts Survive After A Hair Transplant?

While it is common for a small number of grafts to ultimately not survive the transplant, the overwhelming majority do last. By which to say between 90% and 100% survive the process. This is part of what makes FUE hair restoration a popular option for people seeking to restore their hairlines. Following the after-procedure guidance can help shift that success rate closer to 100%.

How Many Grafts Are Enough For A Hair Transplant?

Hair transplants may seem like they require a large number of donor hair and grafts, but you must keep in mind how small hair follicles are. For example, a donor area should have about 14,000 to 18,000. This is because you can only harvest about 1 in 4 hairs in order to keep the donor area densely populated. That allows about 4,000 to 4,500 hairs to be harvested in FUE hair restoration. A hair restoration specialist will be able to determine if you are a good candidate and have a donor area that can facilitate the necessary number of follicles – as hair transplants often require a minimum of 4,000 hairs.

RHRLI Can Help Restore Your Hairline And Your Confidence.

Whether your hair thinning or loss is a result of stress, illness, or just unavoidable from your genetics, RHRLI is here to help. Our state-of-the-art facility utilizes the ARTAS® robotic system for FUE hair restoration which provides precise results and faster healing that will get you back to your day-to-day life quickly. We also provide non-surgical hair restoration services. Contact us today for a free consultation to see if you’re a good candidate for hair restoration. Let us help you restore your hair and your confidence.

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