Hair Loss in Men

Men’s Health Week

men's health weekInternational Men’s Health Week this year is the week of June 14th through the 20th. Men’s Health Week was started here in the United States nearly three decades ago to coincide with Father’s Day and to raise awareness of preventable health problems that affect boys and men. While there are certainly more serious problems that can affect men than hair loss, there are a number of health problems that include hair loss as a side effect which are preventable. [Read more…] about Men’s Health Week

Intelligence & Hair Loss: Do Smart People Lose More Hair?

Intelligence and hair lossMany of us have preconceived notions about what baldness means on other people. While we often negatively think about baldness for ourselves, some positive stereotypes do go along with it. Among those positive associates are those who perceive male baldness as being a sign of intelligence, maturity, being better educated, and more successful. [Read more…] about Intelligence & Hair Loss: Do Smart People Lose More Hair?

Why Has Hair Become So Important to Men?

man with full healthy hairThe common misconception – and stereotype – is that women care more about their hair than men. Not only is that largely untrue but certain studies in recent years have shown a sizable number of men care more about their hair than women.

Over the past few years, we have seen the advent of the man bun increase discussion on men’s hair styles. Changes in diet and exercise mean that people look younger for longer… so there has been more focus on appearance, which also affects men. Advances in hair restoration and maintenance have also helped spotlight men’s hair. [Read more…] about Why Has Hair Become So Important to Men?

Anatomy of the Scalp

scalp under magnifying glassSo much time and energy has been devoted to discussing the causes of hair thinning and hair loss that it is easy to lose sight of the source – the scalp. A key component to understanding why different people have differing experiences with hair thinning and loss is by understanding the complexities of the scalp and how different types of scalps yield different results. [Read more…] about Anatomy of the Scalp

What Is Tinea Capitis?

man with tinea capitisTinea Capitis is better known as ringworm; specifically of the scalp. As you may know, ringworm is not a worm but rather a topical fungal infection. It causes patches of scaly, itchy skin to pop up across your scalp which damages your hair follicles and causes bald spots. While Tinea Capitis mostly affects children, as a highly contagious fungal infection it can spread to adults and even house pets. [Read more…] about What Is Tinea Capitis?

Why Does Graves’ Disease Cause Hair Loss?

Graves diseaseGraves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder that affects the thyroid. In autoimmune diseases, the body’s immune system misinterprets another part of the body as the enemy and attacks it. The thyroid is part of the endocrine system. This small gland in the neck controls how your body uses energy, which has profound effects on the entire body. The thyroid even affects how your heart beats. [Read more…] about Why Does Graves’ Disease Cause Hair Loss?

Blonde Hair And Hair Loss

Is blonde hair different?Natural blondes are hard to come by. In fact, only about 2% of the global population is blonde. That is in large part because blonde hair originated from a genetic mutation more than 10,000 years ago and is connected to a recessive gene. Some false reports have claimed that blondes will be extinct by the 23rd century, but recessive genes don’t just disappear so expect blondes to stick around for many centuries to come. [Read more…] about Blonde Hair And Hair Loss